"I have no idea how this is happening," the affected user reported from the @hmunitedkingom account. "I opened Twitter on browser and it logged me in."The user had apparently opened Twitter and simply found themselves transformed into a major multi-national retailer.
Just like that, the 675-million strong user base of the social network was rocked out of its stupor into what can only be described as a mixture of panic and arousal.
After rigorous journalistic digging we clicked on the account, and quickly established that this was not the first message sent by the user:
Seeing this, Twitter was sent into paroxysms of despair and grief.
How had this happened? What hacking or magicks had allowed it? Who was this poor user, why were they trapped inside H&M's collection of style tips and low quality merchandise commercials and how - in the wake of this occurence - could anything be the same again?
Others tried to take (jokey) advantage:
Things took a turn for the even more weird when this message was sent:
But then? Then there was nothing.
The messages have since been deleted. And whoever was trapped in the account, presumably, was deleted too.
The mystery will live forever in the ages.
H&M has not responded to comment since the 15 minute incident occurred and all life was shattered forever.
Twitter has a lot of explaining to do. Last thing anyone wants is random users accidentally hijacking his/her account.